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Andy Smallwood – BA(Hons), MCIPS

Founder of ODEP,
Head of Sourcing, NHS Wales,
Co-opted observer NJR Steering Committee

Conflicts of interest

ODEP and NJR involvement is not remunerated beyond receipted expenses being reimbursed.
My clients via Clinical Business Intelligence Limited are not conflicted with my role in NHS Wales nor do I have any business with suppliers submitting to ODEP or Beyond Compliance.
Clinical Business Intelligence Limited is currently assisting Northgate Public Services in relation to a Department of Health tender for procurement services.

Profile details

Founder and member of ODEP, Member of Beyond Compliance, co-opted member of the NJR Steering Committee, member of NJR Implant performance committee.
Current role – Head of Sourcing, NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership. – Procurement Services. NHS organisation which manages procurement on behalf of NHS Wales – employed since 2011.
Director of Clinical Business Intelligence Limited – Management consultancy providing services to the NHS in the UK and Private companies in relation to procurement and supply of medical devices – since 2011.