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Mike Hutton, FRCS (Tr&Orth)

Consultant Orthopaedic Spinal Surgeon, Exeter
Co-Chair of the Spine ODEP & BC

Conflicts of interest

I receive expenses for travel and accommodation for my ODEP related activities but otherwise I am unpaid.

Profile details

Mike is a Consultant Spine Surgeon treating patients from Devon & Cornwall in the South West of England. He ran the British Spine Registry (BSR) from 2012 to 2019. He was appointed National Spinal Lead for the department of health clinically led quality and efficiency Programme and the ‘Getting it Right First Time (GIRFT)’ Project in 2015. His national report on spinal services in England was published in 2019. Mike is the Co-Chair of Spinal Beyond Compliance and ODEP. He is the NHS England National Lead for Spinal Services restoration and optimisation 2020. He has recently chaired and published the National Suspected Cauda Equina Pathway in England. He is the spinal lead for the National Consultant Information Portal (NCIP).