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BOTA Observers

ODEP strongly supports Orthopaedic Education. It would very unwise for a candidate attending the FRCS (Orth) examination without knowing a good bit about ODEP. Members of ODEP having given enumerable lectures and tutorials to Orthopaedic Trainees over the years.

Perhaps belatedly we have now invited BOTA (The British Orthopaedic Trainees Association) to recommend one of their members to become an observer at the Meetings of ODEP. This number might increase as we see how well the arrangement develops.

The BOTA representative will not be a voting member and will have to declare any COI they might have. Just like all other members of ODEP they will have to sign an NDA

They will hold the post for 1 or 2 years.

It is hoped that these people will eventually consider becoming full members in the course of time and also champion the cause of ODEP during their careers.

The 2023 BOTA Representative is Zaid Hamoodi.