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Zimmer Biomet
13 – 7A*
Hip Cup

G7 Cementless Acetabular Component
-Acetabular Cup

The Osseo Ti element of this product has been identified as a revision product and is not being monitored through the Beyond Compliance programme. This listing excludes the Bonemaster’ and Osseo Ti’ elements. The G7 acetabular system is a multi-bearing cementless platform combining the latest technological developments in bearing design with a simple, elegant and highly flexible instrumentation system.

Supplier: Zimmer Biomet

Brand: G7

Fixation - Head: Cementless

Modularity: Modular

Current ODEP rating: 7A*

ODEP Rating / Status Updated: 2023 (H2)

ODEP Rating due for renewal: 2026

ODEP Product ID: 6355