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Permedica S.p.A.
13 – 7A*
Hip Cup

JUMP System HaX-Pore Cup
-Acetabular Cup

JUMP System HaX-Pore is a cementless acetabular cup with hemispherical geometry with polar deflection, including different bearing options. HaX-Pore is a double plasma-sprayed porous coating of titanium and hydroxyapatite.

Supplier: Permedica S.p.A.

Brand: JUMP System HaX-Pore Cup

Fixation - Head: Cementless

Modularity: Modular

Current ODEP rating: 7A*

ODEP Rating / Status Updated: 2024 (H1)

ODEP Rating due for renewal: 2027

ODEP Product ID: 9658